GenereatePress Theme Review: Best Theme Ever? 2022

Couldn’t you rank your website on the First Page after so much struggle with content creation?

Want to make your website SEO-friendly, which gets lots of organic traffic and less bounce-back rate?

If so, let me tell you something: content, keyword research, and backlinks are not sufficient.

95% of affiliate marketers and bloggers make this mistake—not choosing an impeccable theme for the website. And, their whole website gets derank by google.

Want to be like this kind of poor fella?

Definitely not. I know your answer. 

Here we are for your website with a light-speed website theme: which will give your website super Sonic speed and rank your website on the very first page of any search engine by making it user-friendly. 

What must be taken into consideration while choosing a theme?

According to Stats, visitors simply say goodbye to your web page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. 

Forget about the beneficial content that you have created by putting your heart and soul into it.

Most bloggers, and affiliate marketers, especially the Beginners, put sweat, blood, and tears into content creation, keyword research, and Backlinks.

But, their whole effort goes in vain, only because of a worthless website theme.

So, take your favorite flavor of coffee, and zoom your eyes to scan the whole blog.

How do I choose a WordPress theme in 2022?

Here I am about to start. We are going to focus on:

  • Light speed Technology.
  • Easy to customize.
  • Reader-friendly. 
  • Easy Ad. 
  • Very lightweight.
  • Updated Theme 
  • Non-technical Background.
  • 24*7 Support.
  • 400,000+ Users.

1. Lite speed technology :

You know the highest form of speed is the speed of light. It crosses 7 lakh miles in just one second.

Why am I talking about the speed of light?

Well, in this 21st century, especially in the Technology field, speed is everything. 

  • Google loses its 2.3 billion customers if it slows down just for one second. 
  • Amazon loses its 1 million customers if it stops working for one second.

Now, you imagine how vital just a second can be in online businesses.

According to the survey, visitors go back after clicking the title of your web page’s load time is more than 3 seconds. They don’t even bother waiting for a second.

But don’t worry. All these are not going to happen with you if you use the Generatepress theme

Because of its fastest Load time, this theme is the first choice of every blogger and affiliate marketer.

GeneratePress theme always provides A-Grade Performance in the GTMetrix tool.

This is why generate press is different and stands tall with its load time amongst all the themes in the market.

2. Lightweight Theme:

I personally use the GeneratePress theme, and it is only 2.55 MB (after extracting).

Everyone wants to be slim fit, active, and energetic. No one wishes for an overweight body.

If someone is overweight, will that person be able to do any constructive activity in his or her life?

Definitely not.

The same goes for website themes. If a theme is lightweight, it will load very quickly, decreasing its bounce-back rate. Moreover, it reinforces the Google algorithm.

This is why So many websites ranking on the first page of Google in 2021 are made by the GeneratePress theme.

These are a few top Google ranked websites made by GeneratePress Theme :

  • 1, Bloggingos.
  • 2. Bloggingcage.
  • 3. Blogging QnA.

Not only that you will get each block, template, button, etc. that makes a website complete. 

So, GeneratePress theme:

  • Lightweight and SEO-friendly. 
  • Has no bounce-back risk.
  • Has templates and blocks.

3. Easy To Customise

We, not everyone, belong to technical background and we don’t have to be.

There are so many tools out there on the internet which can be used easily to set up and customize our whole website.

Generatepress themes are so easy to customize that even a beginner internet user can design them.

Not only that, if you use a page builder like Elementor, it gets easier and more effective to design your website.

You can create different pages such as contact us, about us, privacy policy, and so many handmade template blocks that make an amazing homepage for your website.

In short, you can design your website like a pro coder.  Normally you are a non-techie, yet the readers won’t be able to understand this fact.

If you still want to make your website more beautiful, then there is a pro version of it. GeneratePress premium.

Now, what is the difference between the free and pro version?

Especially, in the pro version, you will get amazing hover image blocks, product review blocks, colorful buttons, and many more niche-related handmade templates.

Worried about coding?

Don’t worry. You have to do literally nothing. All you have to do just to install a TEMPLATE, THEME according to your Niche.

  isn’t it a great deal?

So you have learned:

  • You don’t have to be a tech expert.
  • Customizing generate press is Easy to use.
  • The Pro version makes it more splashy.

4. Reader-friendly:

 Just imagine- a reader came to your website and got puzzled because :

  • There are so many different colors 
  • So many buttons have been placed on the main screen.
  •  Many effects on the header
  • AdS popping out from everywhere.

The readers will start vomiting and will leave the website painfully.

And by swearing to God, they will take an oath – I will die but never visit a website like that in my lifetime!

Haha, just kidding.

According to the data and experiment, visitors love to stay on those websites that are simple, and easy to navigate.

Now, what does it mean by simple?

According to the algorithm :

  • The website contains  2 to 3 colors.

  • There has to be more white space.

  • Buttons should be placed in the right position.

  • AdS should be placed manually on the screen there should be a good hover and dropdown effect.

If you do all the things readers will get the opportunity to read the whole blog.

If they like it, they may share it with their friends, and even click on Ads.

We should not think about ourselves no matter when. We can’t be too mean. 

First, we must earn their trust. Then connect them, and they will pay attention to you.

5. Ads:

As a beginner, In the website business, you only have one option left to generate some revenue, which is AdS.

It seems easy to earn through Ads, but it is not. Most blogger reports that AdS making is still harder than affiliate marketing and e-commerce business.

Do you want to know why?

Because AdS depends on so many factors like. I think you know this fact.

But, Do you know the fact that if your AdS code and blocks take too much time for loading it will directly affect webpage load time, which will increase your web pages bounce rate.

Do you know what is next: Google will kick your web page to the dustbin?

And all your hard work will go in vain since the visitors won’t be able to access your web page cause it dismisses all the rules of the Google algorithm.

So always you have to keep in mind not every theme is valuable for AdS earning.

Now let me share the benefits of using the Generatepress theme particular for the Ads :

1. Generates AdS codes quickly.

2. You can edit the Ads blocks manually.

3. responsive. mobile phone for PC doesn’t matter.

6. Updated Theme :

The market is changing with time. Unconsciously, we’re changing also.

Now, if you use an outdated theme, there is a high chance that your business is going to fail. Also, your theme should be compatible with the current version of wordpress.

What does it mean?

It means that there is no stagnant point in this world. Technology, artificial intelligence, and robots are everywhere.

Every day, they come up with new features. That is part of evolution. 

The same thing goes with your website theme. There are so many things that are being discovered, invented, and improved by programmers.

So, we should always use themes that provide updates and new features. 

If you use this generated press theme, every month developers improve its features of it and also send update notifications to your email that you signed up with them.

Isn’t it great? You just have to click on their notification. The rest of the story is clicking a few links and updating your theme.

It will be finished automatically. 

7. 24×7 Support : 

If you use this theme, you will get support from their admin anytime, anywhere.

Now and then people get so many problems while using any kind of theme.

Sometimes it becomes hard to customize any page or any particular portion of a website. Also, we get lots of errors when we install different tools like page builders, plugins, etc. 

More than 90% of users do not belong to a technical background. That is the time you need help.

you can get that help easily if you mail them with your problem. they will reply to you by giving the proper solution.

That is the thing that makes generating press so great among all the themes In WordPress. 

8. For Non-technicals : 

We always have that fear While starting something new. And, if it is any kind of technical work, our minds Get puzzled about what to do, from where to start. But, don’t you worry. It is just a piece of cake.

Each part of customization, From A to Z, is so easy that a  common mobile user can customize it effortlessly.

Still worried about coding stuff?

Let me tell you something, WordPress is all about drag and drop. You don’t have to hire any pro coder or spend any money.

GeneratePress is like your techie friend who helps you to customize all the pages, without doing any code. This is called smart work.

But, if you want, you may hire an expert. Even, you can start learning HTML, CSS, PHP, Angular, etc. all those programming languages.

But, I know you just want to build a splendid website for your business so go with Generate Press theme. 


So, the Generatepress theme has all the features, that you need, to rank your website and also generate a good amount of revenue it is user-friendly SEO friendly, and earning friendly as well.

Not only that, it is updated, and top affiliate marketers are using this.

So, I highly recommend you to go for this theme.

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