How To Create & Structure An SEO Friendly Blog On WordPress? 13 Sharp Points

Want to write a blog post with a smooth flow, like a love letter to your best friend?

Yes, it is easy. But, there are a few steps you must follow before starting it. One thing you must keep in mind: if you are not a native English speaker, it is not going to be duck soup.

So, is it out of the question?

I have seen writers who are not good at English, they are getting higher positions on Google rankings and affiliate conversation.

Do you want to know how they are doing it? If so, then read the whole blog post. We promise: that you will get every single answer.

Introduction Of Blog Writing For Beginners

There is a big difference between formal writing and informal writing. You can be a great scholar and have mastery of vocabulary and grammar.

Even if you are not making any mistakes grammatically, still your blog cannot get the top 10 positions on Google ranking.

Couldn’t believe it? Here is a fact and case study from

A blog post should be informative and so easy to read that a 7th standard student can easily understand what you are trying to explain.

Yes, there are some informal and effective ways that can be used as a trick in blog writing that not only help your post rank higher but generate revenue.

So, keep in touch with my whole blog, where you will get the exact answer to your dilemmas, i.e; writing

  • Engaging
  • Informative
  • Easy to read
  • SEO-friendly and
  • Money-making Blog Post.

So, here are some steps following them: you can rank your blog on Google’s first page. Not only that, it can get the top ranking.

1. Not The Grammar

The first thing that every person gets wrong is you have to be grammatically perfect. But it is not.

When you are providing worthy, problem-solving, priceless information with every single solution for your readers with a compact guide, then grammar is not so important. 

Even the top bloggers’ English is not perfect. But, they are so informative and valuable that every reader loves their content and wants to read more content from them.

2. Strategy:

After bursting the grammar myth, the next point is making a strategy of writing.

As we told you earlier grammar is not the whole story, so what are the other points that you have to always keep in mind.

But, it is not the whole story there are some 

  • Psychology
  • SEO
  • Introduction
  • White Space.
  • Headings (H2, H3, H4)
  • Sentence Spacing
  • Small Paragraphs.

The big mistake every blogger makes: They create paragraphs with big, lengthy sentences and critical grammar uses.

Normally, the human brain is like a monkey’s. It can’t focus on one single point easily.

So, whenever a reader comes to your post, instead of reading immediately, they just scroll down and scan your whole blog.

And, when they see or feel some obvious or catchy things they start observing and reading that.

And the bullet points mentioned above are going to make your post attractive

Key Takeaways:

Pi to pi English grammar sometimes doesn’t matter in blog writing. SEO strategies that grab the reader’s attention and make your article read. Not your grammar.

3. Add Value:

In reality, business is all about giving value. It’s not only about making money. When you truly improve other people’s lives, then you start to improve your own life.

Therefore, always keep in mind that the consumer is everything in business.

Blogging is also a business and your content is the product that people read by spending their time and energy.

Satisfying your readers and customers should be your only goal. When you publish a blog, people all around the world come and read it.

So, your blog must be so easy to read, that an average person can understand what you have written, and people can take some value to improve their problems.

4. Trust:

Trust is one of the main things. The main reason is the readers don’t know you. 

According to human psychology, if your customer has no trust in you, you are hardly going to connect with them.

Either virtual life or real trust factor always plays a key role in business and selling. 

So, you should always elevate the reasons for what your customers are going to get if they read your blog or purchase something from your link.

In One Line: 

You have to be informative, valuable, and genuine. Tell them first what value you are going to give.

5. Convince Them:

You have to convince your reader: that if they read your content, it will pay them back by improving their lives.

Then they will trust you. After giving high-level content, give something to them for free.

For an example:

If you are a fitness trainer and want to create an awesome blog post on: how to lose weight in 90 days. Then you can share a free step-by-step guide by offering a PDF or e-book. 

Here, you can be more strategic. You can give some free e-books about some food habits or exercise routines and yoga postures.

That is when they will start believing you, and it is one of the finest business and marketing strategies.

6. Using Informal Language :

It is very hard for us not to remember any funny meanings of words and sentences.

We are going to do the same thing: using slang in our informative content that will entertain the readers.

Nowadays, if you create researched, full-fledged content, people will get bored because of your conventional way of writing.

Generally, our main purpose is to make the hard thing simple. When you do that the reader’s attention gets improved, and they understand the hard things. 

In many languages, there is some slang connected with stories that make any language funny and also impressive.

We are going to use the same strategy here.

English Slang in Our Blog:

We don’t know English slang, but we can learn from Google or English grammar books by purchasing any scores from any negative English teacher. Or we can use any grammar extension like Grammarly.

What happens when we use slang in English while writing?

When you write informative content with slang, they feel the writer is a 

  • Native English writer. 
  • The writer is knowledgeable and valuable to me.

7. Using Phrases and Idioms :

Phrases and idioms make English SEO-friendly and appealing.

You know, most of the part of blogging or affiliate marketing is content creation. Content is the king, and your whole pack of content is your Kingdom.

So, you need to make your content powerful and the main weapon is phrases and idioms.

Want to know the reasons?

Phrases and idioms are directly connected to feelings and emotions. Because there are so many stories connected with phrases and idioms, we use those generations after generation.

When the readers will be reading your content, there will be so many hidden commands that will directly trigger their emotions and their subconscious minds will register something that is the main reason.

8. Using CTA :

From Pro businessmen, and affiliate marketers, to bloggers everyone uses this strategy.

Even in a physical business, one thing that is the golden key to selling anything or driving the reader’s mind is CTA.

CTA means Call Through Action.

Any time we create some fear of missing out on content, readers get emotional and feel:

  • If they don’t purchase this product or read this blog they are going to miss some valuable things. 
  • They will think that they are never going to get it back.

That sense of fear makes them what we want them to do.

Now, if you want to learn how to create CTA in your content, I am going to share a few steps :

  • First talk about their life problems.
  • A powerful personal statement.
  • Tell them what they are going to miss.
  • So the best version of your product.

9. Use Hook:

You know what happens when a fisherman catches a fish with a hook. 

  • First, a fisherman offers some desirable food for the fish.
  • Grab the attention of the fish.
  • Then catch it.

You need to use the same strategy, there are so many types of hooks:

  • Rhetorical Hook.
  • Question hook.
  • Statement hook.
  • Fact hook.

So, here are the steps you have to follow

  • Ask them a question.
  • Make them feel free.
  • Be a friend.
  • Accompany them.

When they sense that: someone is asking a question and giving a personal statement, they will think like this: I must read, go through the content or purchase the product.

In one word

When readers can’t ignore your content, you can promote your service, product, or affiliate link. That is the time when you start making revenue.

10. Engaging Content:

Engaging means a sound and interesting one-to-one conversation.

To make your content engaging:

  • You have to enter into the problems of customers, 
  • understand what problems they are suffering with
  • Examine every obstacle if you were there
  • what kind of solution your readers are looking for.

In fact, It becomes so easy when you present yourself in their place and start finding the solutions.

Henceforth, You will get the exact blueprint to make them understand that this article or product is best for improving your life.

11. Don’t Believe My Blog

Convince your customers in a way that they can’t help but believe you. 

Tell them you don’t have to believe me. Then offer some facts and real-life starts and add

  • Live research.
  • Proven Fact.
  • Statistics.
  • Support statement.
  • Interlink other related blogs.

You can’t gain other people’s trust or opinion. Mainly, the reason is we want to be transparent with them. You can’t feel like a scammer to them for a single second. 

By the way, we are doing Blogging to provide actual value to our reader’s life.

12. Show Results:

Furthermore, you can share some results that other customers have got after purchasing your products. In fact, this is one of the finest techniques in selling and marketing.

Additionally, you can give their contacts because it is quite hard to swallow for the customers without real-life examples.

We don’t even purchase any product without proper investigation. 

  • We examine each part of that product
  • We go to Google YouTube to get the best information possible.

13. Improved content:

Having an idea is very easy. Everyone has one, but what about implementing them in such a way that people get actual value in their life.

Our Blog content and product can level up the present life. So be a visionary leader, and do some great things in your field.

We know that everyone can not become like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, but we can try our best by improving our skill set, that is the best thing.

Our blogging and writing must inspire other people. If our contribution changes even one person’s life, that is real success.


So, I can say that content shouldn’t be aimed for money but for value.

We must improve ourselves first by improving our mindset and skill set. That is when our content will be real solution friendly which is more powerful than SEO-friendly content.

The last thing I can say is that websites, apps, and products are the ways to contribute to society.

Blogging is also known as a business where you give solutions through your blog post.

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